Lodge of Perfection
Lodges of Perfection conferring the 4th to the 14th degrees inclusive. The degrees continue the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple, and amplify and conclude the legend of the Master Mason degree. They are designed to impress more forcefully the teachings of the first three degrees of Craft Masonry. The 4th, 5th, 7th, 13th, and 14th degrees are obligatory: the others, if not given in full, are "communicated" by obligation and explained.
4° Secret Master
5° Perfect Master
6° Intimate Secretary
7° Provost and Judge
8° Intendant of the Building
9° Elu of the Nine
10° Elu of the Fifteen
11° Elu of the Twelve
12° Master Architect
13° The Royal Arch of Solomon
14° Perfect Elu

The 4th Degree: Secret Master
The 4th Degree: Secret Master (Southern Jurisdiction and Canada) or Master Traveler (Northern Jurisdiction), deals with the concepts of duty.
To a Mason, duty embraces an obligation to take an interest in the problems of his environment, learn the social problems... Read More

The 5th Degree: Perfect Master
The moral teachings of the 5th Degree: Perfect Master is that we live in peace with our own conscience and are honored by good people when we perform our duties honestly and diligently. When honesty, diligence, justice and brotherhood do not exist, freedom and independence are meaningless. Masonry values man as a person. The lessons of the 5° are... Read More

The 6th Degree: Intimate Secretary
The principle lesson of 6th Degree: Intimate Secretary (Southern Jurisdiction and Canada) or Master of the Brazen Serpent (Northern Jurisdiction) is that decisions should not be made only on appearances. To be curious is a good quality when directed toward the examination of social miseries, their reasons, and how they can be eliminated. A Mason should not... Read More

The 7th Degree: Provost and Judge
The lesson of the 7th Degree is justice. A law voluntarily accepted by a community should be a kind of lifestyle for the individuals comprising that community, and justice must always be observed. For a law to be considered as being accepted voluntarily, it should have been freely examined, discussed and voted by the people. A man who is not free cannot be considered ... Read More

The 8th Degree: Intendant of the Building
The lessons of the 8°are benevolence and charity. This degree investigates the necessity of acting on what we learn; and that we should freely transmit our knowledge to others. The strength of the Temple depends on both hard work and ownership. When a man attains a title or position based on his own earning of it, he becomes both knowing and free; he is not ... Read More

The 9th Degree: Elu of the Nine
The 9th Degree: Elu of the Nine (Southern Jurisdiction), Master of the Temple (Northern Jurisdiction) or Elect of the Nine (Canada), teaches that ignorance is the enemy of freedom. Fear and ignorance are the two major enemies which enslave men. It is important that we do not become slaves of certain ideas; that we have the power to fight against... Read More

The 10th Degree: Elu of the Fifteen
The lessons of the 10th Degree: Elu of the Fifteen (Southern Jurisdiction), Master Elect (Northern Jurisdiction) or Elect of the Fifteen (Canada) are enlightenment of soul and mind, vigilance, tolerance and being on guard for fanaticism and persecution. This degree teaches toleration of others. Everyone has the right to his own political or spiritual views. Masons will always be... Read More

The 11th Degree: Elu of the Twelve
The lessons of the 11th Degree: Elu of the Twelve are to be earnest, true, reliable and a champion of the people. This degree teaches sympathy. We should sympathetic to our brother masons and to all mankind as well. This degree emphasizes that life is a school for moral and spiritual training; that the entire lesson is a course in virtue, happiness, and... Read More

The 12th Degree: Master Architect
The lesson of the 12th Degree: Master Architect (Southern Jurisdiction) or Grand Master Architect (Northern Jurisdiction and Canada) is to seek wisdom through knowledge. This degree teaches faith in moral and virtues and in God. "Life is what each man makes of it; the optimist turns a trial into a blessing. This degree forces the Mason to consider the problems... Read More

The 13th Degree: The Royal Arch of Solomon
The lessons of the 13th Degree: Royal Arch of Solomon (Southern Jurisdiction and Canada) or Master of the Ninth Arch (Northern Jurisdiction) are to seek knowledge and to be motivated by duty and honour. This degree teaches liberty in our mind and our hearts, motivated by duty and honor. Men must find the truth within the caverns of their own conscience. There is one great arch... Read More

The 14th Degree: Perfect Elu
The lessons of the 14th Degree: Perfect Elu (Southern Jurisdiction), Grand Elect Mason (Northern Jurisdiction) or Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason (Canada) are to assist, encourage and defend the brethren; to protect the oppressed and relieve want and distress; to enlighten the people and serve the common good. In the degree we learn to reflect and look into ourselves. We should strive to be true to ourselves and our God. This degree is considered... Read More