There have been so many books written on Freemasonry that it is sometimes difficult for readers to know where to begin. Unfortunately, many of the books are historically worthless and are no more than entertaining fiction. Further, it has recently become popular for some publishers to reprint outdated Masonic titles without considering their educational value—or lack thereof. The following suggested works will provide readers with an authentic understanding of the history, purposes, rituals and symbolism of Freemasonry.
Revolutionary Brotherhood. Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730–1840
By Steven C. Bullock
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996)
The author places Freemasonry at the center of the transformation of American society and culture from the colonial era to the rise of Jacksonian democracy.
The Early French Exposures
By Harry Carr
(London: Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, 1971)
The Freemason at Work
By Harry Carr
(London: 1976)
This is one of the most successful Masonic Publications in recent times due to the immense knowledge of the late Harry Carr and his entertaining writing style.
Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia
By Henry Wilson Coil, et. al.
(New York: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., 1961)
The Rosslyn Hoax? Viewing Rosslyn Chapel from a New Perspective
By Robert L.D. Cooper
(London: Lewis, 2006)
Although not strictly a Masonic work, this study cogently dismisses some of the unfounded speculations of Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight in their book The Hiram Key.
Albert Pike’s Esoterika: The Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry
Arturo de Hoyos, Editor
(Washington, D.C.: Scottish Rite Research Society, 2005, 2008)
Contains the complete text of Albert Pike`s never-before-published esoteric study of the symbols of Blue Lodge Degrees.
Committed to the Flames: The History and Rituals of a Secret Masonic Rite
By Arturo de Hoyos and S. Brent Morris
(London: Lewis, 2008)
Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? The Methods of Anti-Masons
By Arturo de Hoyos and S. Brent Morris
(New York: M. Evans and Co., 2004)
This well-researched book provides an authoritative rebuttal to Freemasonry`s most outspoken critics, and exposes deceptions and forgeries used to discredit the fraternity.
Freemasonry in Context: History, Ritual, Controversy
Arturo de Hoyos and S. Brent Morris, Editors
(New York: Lexington Books, 2004)
Concise History of Freemasonry
By Robert F. Gould
(New York: Macoy Publishing, 1924)
English Masonic Exposures 1760–1769
By A.C.F. Jackson
(London: A Lewis, 1986)
Freemasons Guide and Compendium, rev. ed.
By Bernard E. Jones
(London: Harrap, 1950, 1956)
The Craft. A History of English Freemasonry
By John Hamill
(Great Britain: Crucible, 1986)
King Solomon’s Temple in the Masonic Tradition
By Alexander Horne
(Great Britain: Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1972)
Sources of Masonic Symbolism
By Alexander Horne
(Missouri Lodge of Research, 1981)
The Genesis of Freemasonry: An Account of the Rise and Development of Freemasonry in Its Operative, Accepted, and Early Speculative Phases
By Douglas Knoop and G.P. Jones
(Manchester University Press, 1947)
The Early Masonic Catechisms, 2d ed.
By Douglas Knoop, G.P. Jones, and Douglas Hamer
(London: Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, 1963)
Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance
By W. Kirk MacNulty
(London: Thames & Hudson, 2006)
Heredom: the Transactions of Scottish Rite Research Society
S. Brent Morris, ed.
(Washington, D.C.: Scottish Rite Research Society, 1992–2017).
Heredom includes scholarly articles on all aspects of Freemasonry and is not restricted to research on the Scottish Rite.
The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland’s Century, 1590–1710
By David Stevenson
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)
The First Freemasons: Scotland’s Early Lodges and Their Members
By David Stevenson
(Aberdeen, Scotland : Aberdeen University Press, 1988)
Prince Hall Life and Legacy, 2d ed.
By Charles H. Wesley
(Washington, D.C.: United Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation, 1977, 1983)
History of the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America and its Antecedents, 2 vols.
By Samuel Harrison Baynard, Jr.
(Williamsport, Pa.: Grip Publishing Co., 1938)
History of the Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World) Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. 1801–1861
By James D. Carter, ed., R. Baker Harris
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1964)
History of the Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World) Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. 1861–1891
By James D. Carter
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1967)
History of the Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World) Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. 1891–1921
By James D. Carter
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1971)
Light on Masonry. The History and Rituals of America’s Most Important Masonic Exposé
By Arturo de Hoyos
(Washington, D.C.: Scottish Rite Research Society, 2008)
This book includes early versions of the rituals of the Blue Lodge, York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Order of the Holy Cross, as well as anti-Masonic committee reports, and letters from seceding Masons.
Lodge of the Double-Headed Eagle: Two Centuries of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America’s Southern Jurisdiction
By William L. Fox
(Fayetteville, Ark.: University of Arkansas Press, 1997)
Valley of the Craftsmen. A Pictorial History. Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America’s Southern Jurisdiction 1801–2001
William L. Fox, ed.
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 2001)
Hundreds of rare color illustrations and photographs to outline the history of our Order and Freemasonry in the context of 200 years of American history.
A Bridge to Light
By Rex R. Hutchens
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1988)
An introduction to the Scottish Rite`s Degrees and symbolism by one of the Rite`s most articulate philosophers and writers.
A Glossary to Morals and Dogma
By Rex R. Hutchens
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1993)
Pillars of Wisdom. The Writings of Albert Pike
By Rex R. Hutchens
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1995)
First published in 1995, and revised in 2016, this collection of essays looks at the major themes in Albert Pike`s writings.
The Bible in Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma
By Rex R. Hutchens and Donald W. Monson
(Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council, 33°, 1992)
The Supreme Council, 33° Mother Council of the World Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
By Charles S. Lobingier
(Louisville, Ky.: The Standard Printing Co., 1931)
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
By Albert Pike
(Charleston, A∴M∴ 5632 [1871]; new and revised ed.: Richmond, Va.: L.H. Jenkins, 1950)
A Masonic classic! The fundamental sourcebook of Scottish Rite philosophy -- now available in a new, user-friendly, and scholarly edition!
The Book of the Words • Sephir H`Debarim • With an Introduction by Arturo de Hoyos
By Albert Pike
(Washington, D.C.: Scottish Rite Research Society, 1999)
This work explores the etymological and symbolic origins of the Scottish Rite`s symbolic words, from the 1st through the 32nd Degrees.
Vested in Glory. The Aprons, Cordons, Collars, Caps, and Jewels of the Degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
By Jim Tresner
(Washington, D.C.: Published for the Scottish Rite Research Society by The Supreme Council, 33°, S.J., USA, 2000)
Scottish Rite Ritual • Monitor & Guide
By Arturo de Hoyos, 33º
(Washington, D.C.: Published for the Scottish Rite Research Society by The Supreme Council, 33°, S.J., USA, 2010)
A comprehensive guidebook to the Revised Standard Pike Ritual, the official ritual of the Supreme Council, this work contains more material than Albert Pike`s several studies.